
Rock Hill Chapter

Do you think you would like to join this chapter? You can be our guest for up to three meetings before deciding on whether to officially join our chapter. No reservation is needed, just join us Thursdays at Paul Davis Restoration of Rock Hill.

This business networking group in Rock Hill is a chapter of Carolinas Referral Group. If you are seeking out a relationship-focused referral network to expand your business then you should come visit us at our weekly meetings. https://www.meetup.com/carolinas-referral-group/events/298327065/?utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=share-btn_savedevents_share_modal&utm_source=link

Click the "Contact Us" button below if you want to contact the leadership team of CRG Rock Hill.

Want to join? Got a question? Contact this CRG chapter!
When We Meet


Meeting Times

08:00 AM to 09:00 AM


14 Active Members

Rock Hill

Rock Hill Roster

Meet the men and women who make up the CRG Rock Hill Chapter.

Travis Cash
Travis Cash
Auto Detailing
Chelsea Desourdy
Chelsea Desourdy
Real Estate - Residential
Brandon Hatcher
Brandon Hatcher
Financial Services
Matthew Johnson
Matthew Johnson
Insurance - Personal
Andy Kallas
Andy Kallas
Home Inspection
Rhamy Kamel
Rhamy Kamel
Reginald Kee
Reginald Kee
Motivational Speaker
Dylan Lewis
Dylan Lewis
Lawn Care
Libby Love
Libby Love
Tamaya Mays
Tamaya Mays
Zamilla Pinkney-Taylor
Zamilla Pinkney-Taylor
Nursing School
Terri Urda
Terri Urda
Advertising - Print/Magazine
Maryann Urgolo-Castro
Maryann Urgolo-Castro
Tax & Business Consulting
Chartisy Walker
Chartisy Walker
Commercial Cleaner